When did you first become interested in photography and what sparked your interest?
I needed a good camera for my first big trip abroad when I was a student. A friend who was a keen photographer steered me to the best buy for my needs & taught me the basics. After the trip to the U.S.A I was hooked.
What did you do in your life before shooting travel stock images?
I studied Land Management for 3 yrs. but not being able to cut it as an Estate Agent I then took various fairly ordinary jobs to fund my travels.
How many photo trips do you do in a year and how long do you spend on the road?
Usually between 7-9 trips. If it’s a long haul trip it’s usually 3 weeks, Europe etc. 2 weeks.
What have been your favourite destinations you have photographed and why?
I’m attracted to places that are as different as possible to our western culture. I love photographing in India & though maddening at times, there is never a dull moment. Always plenty of colour & life
What do you find most challenging shooting travel stock images?
Styles change but the most difficult aspect is trying to capture a fresh approach to well-known landmarks. More recently it’s getting more difficult to shoot in most cities even in open public spaces without being challenged by security guards etc.
Is there somewhere you’d still love to shoot?
I recently nearly booked an expensive trip to Antarctica, a continent I’ve yet to visit. However I did wonder how many pictures of icebergs & penguins the world really needs. Still I’d like to see for myself. A lot of Africa seems relatively unexplored photographically speaking; you could probably say the same of Russia.
Have you had a situation where it all went wrong and you didn’t get the shots you planned?
Plenty of times but in more risky situations I try to have a plan B. Weather is a constant worry & concern.
Is there any advice you’d give to a young person thinking of getting onto this business?
Very difficult these days you have to be prepared to do a bit of everything from shooting weddings to learning to shoot video.
If you weren’t a photographer what would you be?
A Foreign Correspondent.
Do you specialize in a particular subject, geographic area or style?
I used to do a lot of people pictures but it’s difficult to get pictures accepted & sold with some agencies without full model releases & these can sometimes be a nightmare to get completed properly & keep a track of.
How do you make your images stand out?
I like to think I have my own particular style and I shoot panoramic format pictures a slightly niche market but perfect for landscapes etc.
To see more of Peter’s images click here