Crisp December air gives perfect views of gorgeous snow-capped mountains reflected in the mirror-still surface of Derwentwater; the timeless Stone Circle at Castlerigg; frosty valleys contrast with russet bracken-covered hillsides; clinker-built rowing boats sit on quiet lake shores. Alan Copson’s autumn and winter forays into some of the most beautiful landscapes of England have produced some wonderful and timeless images.
“Given the Lake District’s notoriously wet and windy climate keeping a close eye on the weather forecast is essential planning ahead of a photographic shoot in this region. That and some luck of course; the weather rarely obeys the forecasts”, says Alan. He certainly had some good fortune, and enjoyed plentiful sunshine in the 10 days spent there. And a dusting of early winter snow only added to the palette of colours in his stunning shots.
The other key ingredient to successful landscape photography is planning; knowing what to shoot, where from, and how to get there in the best possible light. “Everyday involved early starts, waking in the dark before first light” says Alan. The shot from Cat Bells (the lead image in this post) involved parking at the bottom of the hill at around 5.30am and walking in the dark for 45 minutes, weighed down by a backpack and tripod, to arrive, out of breath, at the viewpoint as the first light appeared. “With the optimum light lasting only about half an hour, the short time spent shooting requires full concentration” says Alan, “but the feeling afterwards, when you have the killer shot in the bag, is fantastic, and then, alone with the glorious landscape in front of you, you finally take it all in before heading down the hill to find some breakfast”.
To see all of Alan Copson’s images from his autumn/winter trips last year click on the following link;